ASHC Student Government

The ASHC 2024-2025 Executive Council from left to right: Hussein Al-Badri (President), Maleha Tansim (Speaker of the Caucus), Stacy Barnes (Vice President), and Theresa Enguerra (Finance Director).
The Associated Students of Highline College (ASHC) is the student government or advocacy organization for Highline students, which represents students’ interests and concerns to the college administration, faculty, staff, and the greater community.
Students, through the ASHC, participate in setting campus policy and procedures, allocate service and activities funds, serve as members of various campus committees, and evaluate student programs to reflect the changing needs and interests of students. For more information on student government, please call (206) 592-3215 or email
ASHC Contingency Fund
The ASHC Contingency Fund is a reserve of S&A funds that get strategically granted to student groups requesting funding for student activities. Requests for Contingency Funding are voted on and approved by the voting members of ASHC. Click on the button below to open the Contingency Fund Request Form. Submit your completed form to and be sure to attend the following ASHC Meeting where your request will be voted on by the voting members of ASHC. Contingency Requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks before ASHC Council Meetings.
Get Involved with Your Student Government
- Attend an Associated Council Meeting.
- Meetings are held alternating Wednesdays starting the second Wednesday of each quarter, beginning at 1:00 p.m. 2024-2025 ASHC Council Meetings will resume January 15th, 2025, in Building 8, Mt. Skokomish room (2nd floor).
- Winter Quarter Meeting Dates: January 15th, January 29th, February 12th, February 26th, and March 12th
- Meetings are not held during finals week or quarter breaks.
- Email to request the meeting minutes from a prior meeting.
- Google Drive folder with meeting agendas
- Connect with the ASHC Executive Council.
- The ASHC President, Vice President, Speaker of the Caucus, and the Finance Director hold weekly office hours. You are welcome to stop by the Center for Leadership and Service on the third floor of Building 8 during office hours to meet with a member of the Executive Council.
- Participate in legislative activities.
- See below for more information about the annual Legislative Breakfast.
- Join the Student Legislative Action Committee.
- Apply for an officer position in the spring of each year.
Services and Activities Fund
A portion of the student tuition and fees paid at registration by Highline College students is designated as the Services and Activities Fund (known as S&A). This fund is overseen and administered by CLS and ASHC. The purpose of S&A is to enhance the general educational experience and maximize the success of every student by providing a meaningful variety of healthful, educational, cultural, recreational and social programs, activities and services. Learn more about S&A, including how funds are allocated and programs supported by the fund.