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ASHC Organizational Structure

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ASHC Organizational Structure 2024-09-20T17:04:14+00:00

ASHC Organizational Structure

The Associated Students of Highline College (ASHC) is the representative governing body for students at Highline College. All currently enrolled students are members of ASHC. The Executive Council administers the ASHC constitution and by-laws and is made up of the ASHC President, Vice President, Speaker of the Caucus, and Finance Director. The Associated Council is made up of the Executive Council and designated representatives of ASHC-recognized student clubs.

Rules and Regulations

ASHC operates under its constitution, by-laws, and financial code, which can be viewed below.

Preamble to the ASHC Constitution

We (the Associated Students of Highline College) assume responsibilities and privileges of participation in self-government, to represent student interests, needs, and welfare within the college community, initiate and coordinate active student involvement, provide the opportunity to develop individual leadership qualities and an understanding of group action, and supplement and complement formal education at Highline College, do affirm and establish this Constitution.

Officers of the Executive Council

The Executive Council selection is held during the Spring Quarter of each year for the ASHC President and Vice President. The Speaker of the Caucus and the Finance Director are selected through a process coordinated by the Center for Leadership & Service and ratified by the Associated Council.

All Student Government Officers:

  • Attend all ASHC Executive and Associated Council meetings
  • Attend all ASHC sponsored events
  • Participate on various campus committees, as decided upon by the Executive Council
  • Attend various club meetings, as decided upon by the Executive Council
  • Work on assigned projects under the supervision of the ASHC Advisor(s)
  • Maintain accurate records and information on all programs, responsibilities, and materials
  • Act within the guidelines of state laws, school regulations and rules of the ASHC legislation and constitution

Serves as the primary advocate for the student body and student government by acting as the direct liaison to the administration and the Board of Trustees. Provides leadership and organization for the actions of the ASHC executive council by providing oversight to all student committee appointments and serving as the students’ representative at key college governance meetings.

The President’s duties are as follows:

  • Act as the official liaison between the ASHC and the Highline College Board of Trustees, college administration faculty, and community.
  • Build community and leadership skills to all officers and appointed officials of the Student Government.
  • Serve on the Services and Activities (S&A) Budget Committee.
  • Appoint students to serve on various campus committees.
  • Schedule and serve as presiding officer of all regular Executive Council meetings. 
  • Hold responsibility for studying and reporting ASHC perspectives/opinions on state and federal government actions and their effect on students.
  • Work with campus administrators to plan legislative awareness programs.
  • Commencement Ceremony responsibilities as assigned.
  • Schedule quarterly meeting with college President.
  • Maintain 15 hours per week, with at least 10 posted office hours unless exempted for other duties as assigned and approved by the ASHC Advisor.
  • Increase involvement in ASHC (i.e. legislative academy, statewide initiatives, student- based leadership opportunities).
  • Serve as the primary student public relations officer for the ASHC. 
  • As a representative of the Executive Council, create and appoint students to campus committees.
  • Facilitate other projects as taken on by the ASHC.
  • Attend bi-weekly ASHC meetings and participate as a servant leader and voting member.
  • Attend weekly ASHC Executive Council meetings.

Serves as the primary administrator of ASHC internal affairs. Facilitates ASHC sessions and coordinates ASHC annual projects such as faculty tenure review.

The Vice President’s duties are as follows:

  • Schedule, coordinate, promote and preside over all business meetings of the Associated Council.
  • Develop agenda and implement decisions for all Associated Council meetings.
  • Serve as student representative on Faculty Tenure Review Committee.
  • Lead ASHC in the maintenance of the Constitution and By-Laws of the ASHC.
  • Serve on the S&A Budget Committee and work with the ASHC Advisor(s) to stay current on  ASHC Budget and S&A Contingency Fund.
  • Serve as the chairperson of the ASHC SElection Committee (if the Vice-President is running for an office, the chairperson will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Council).
  • Work with ASHC Executive Council to develop needed trainings for student leaders.
  • Monitor and maintain the ASHC contingency balance and funding process.
  • Participate on campus committees as appointed by the ASHC Executive Council.
  • Maintain 15 hours per week, with at least 10 posted office hours unless exempted for other duties as assigned and approved by the ASHC Advisor.
  • Create leadership and direction for involvement in ASHC, especially in the bi-weekly ASHC Council Meetings.
  • Facilitate other projects as taken on by the ASHC.
  • Attend bi-weekly ASHC Council meetings and participate as a chair and  voting member to break ties.
  • Attend weekly ASHC Executive Council meetings.
  • ASHC duties as assigned by ASHC Advisor(s) or the ASHC Executive Council.

Serves as a representative for the needs and concerns of the caucus community in Student Government. Position is responsible for coordinating the growth and development of the caucus program.

The Speaker of Caucus duties are as follows:

  • Provide administrative leadership for the Associated Council members, building communities of leaders.
  • Facilitate community building/caucus discussions, meetings, and activities.
  • Build and nurture student leadership passions and encourage to take action to deepen their leadership positions.
  • Promoting the council in to the campus community, communities of leaders, and to other HC partners in order to institutionalize the program.
  • Foster relationships with faculty to create co-curricular programming with student communities.
  • Locate, train, and support student servant leaders.
  • Initiate and coordinate student communities/caucus members to plan service/action projects.
  • Establish connections with the local community related to caucus issues for civic involvement and promote activism on campus.
  • Coordinate the Student Leader of the Month program.
  • Create an action base for ASHC (i.e., legislative academy, voter registration, student based leadership action, Washington State Community and Technical College Student Association) as legislative coordinator of the organization.
  • Take the lead on programs and offerings geared at harnessing the voice of students.
  • Gather information and get student feedback on campus issues.
  • Attend bi-weekly ASHC meetings and participate as a servant leader and voting member.
  • Attend weekly ASHC Executive Council meetings.
  • ASHC duties as assigned by ASHC Advisor(s) or the ASHC Executive Council.

The Finance Director’s duties are as follows:

  • Maintain ASHC records, including transcribing minutes of bi-weekly meetings.
  • Work with the President and VP of ASHC to prepare documents for ASHC meetings and Board of Trustees presentations.
  • Report to ASHC Council meetings on S&A and Contingency related matters.
  • Reconcile Contingency Fund transactions.
  • Understand fully the policies regarding fund usage determined by ASHC Financial Code and Killian Guidelines.
  • Attend bi-weekly ASHC meetings and participate as a servant leader and voting member.
  • Attend weekly ASHC Executive Council  meetings.
  • ASHC duties as assigned by ASHC Advisor(s) or the ASHC Executive Council.
  • Report to the CLS Program Specialist and/or designee.