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Programs Supported by ASHC

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Programs Supported by ASHC 2024-09-30T10:37:56+00:00

Programs Supported by ASHC

A portion of the student tuition and fees paid at registration by Highline College students is designated as the Services and Activities Fund (known as S&A). This fund is overseen and administered by the Center for Leadership & Service (CLS) and Associated Students of Highline College (ASHC). The purpose of S&A is to enhance the general educational experience and maximize the success of every student by providing a meaningful variety of healthful, educational, cultural, recreational and social programs, activities and services.

Each year, a committee of students and faculty or staff members, called the S&A Budget Committee, meets to develop the S&A budget for the following academic year. This committee reviews budget requests submitted by various campus programs and creates a recommended budget, which is then approved by the Highline College Board of Trustees. Applications to join the S&A Budget Committee are available in late Fall Quarter, and the committee meets weekly from January through May.

More than 50 program budgets are supported by S&A. These include co-curricular and extra-curricular programs throughout campus.

Per RCW 28B.15.045 (11)  Annually, by September 30th, the services and activities fees committee at each institution of higher education, in coordination with the administration of the institution of higher education, shall post services and activities fees expenditure information for the prior academic year on the college or university website so that the information is clearly visible and easily accessible to students and the public. At a minimum, the services and activities fees budget information must include all the major categories of expenditure and the amounts expended in each category.

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Stay up to date with Highline’s Athletics, follow them on Facebook, and look up the next scheduled game/event to go show your Highline spirit.

The Intramural Sports Program at Highline College provides students, faculty and staff with opportunities for recreation, exercise, and fun in a relaxed, yet structured environment. The program offers a variety of both competitive and recreational sports and events.


All current students, faculty and staff with a valid Highline College I.D. are eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program.

Location and Time Details

Intermural sports include basketball, volleyball, badminton, and soccer, and take place at the Pavilion (Building 28). The weekly schedule for intramural sports is the following:

  • Tuesday 1-2pm
  • Wednesday 1-2pm
  • Thursday 1-2pm

Questions about Intramural Sports? Email sturcotte@highline.edu



Arcturus is an annual publication of Highline College featuring the work of students, alumni, faculty and staff. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, and works of art are accepted. Issues of Arcturus are released May/June each year.

Students interested in becoming editors for Arcturus should call Susan Rich at (206) 592-3253 or email srich@highline.edu and inquire about Writing 260: Editing the Arcturus, a six-credit, two-quarter class offered winter and spring quarters each year. Students should have taken Writing 151 before registering. Editors will work with student volunteers from Highline’s Production Illustration Program and Print Department to design and produce the magazine. Copies of Arcturus are available at the Highline Bookstore.

ThunderWord Logo

The Thunderword

The Thunderword, also know as the T-word, is Highline’s student newspaper. The Thunderword has a 40-year tradition of excellence, having won numerous state and national awards. Written, edited and designed by students, the Thunderword is published every Thursday during the regular school year. Students can participate by signing up for Journalism 101 (JRNL 101 Beginning Newswriting), or as a non-class activity.

For information about news, advertising, or how to join the staff, call (206) 878-3710, ext. 3318, or email Thunderword@highline.edu.