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Advisor Resources

Advisor Resources 2023-09-22T16:02:46+00:00

Advisor Responsibilities

An advisor’s primary responsibility is to make a strong commitment to the group and to aid in personal growth of the individuals in that group. Above all, advisers should be available to students on an individual and group basis, maintaining an open and honest relationship with the members.

Advisors play a key role in development of Recognized Student Clubs and Organizations and its individual members. Being an effective advisor requires developing a style that matches the organization’s needs and goals. When developing this style, it is important to keep in mind the goals of the organization, the types of activities they are involved in, and the overall mission of Highline College. Prior to agreeing to be an advisor, determine the role and time commitment required.

The day-to-day operations of the organization should remain the responsibility of the officers/members, not the advisor. The main objective of an advisor is to be available to guide and assist the officers/members in the mission and goals of the organization.

Club Advisor Guidelines

The advisor should be familiar with the Club Program’s expectations and guidelines for Student Clubs.

  • Be familiar with the nature and objectives of the club as well as the policies and procedures outlined in the club handbook.
  • Understand serving the students well requires time and energy. Advisors must be available on campus to lend assistance and attend functions of the club.
  • Attend club meetings regularly or as agreed upon with the Club President/Vice President.
  • Attend all major on or off-campus events and off-campus club trips. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Clubs Program Leadership Advisor.
  • Obtain information of events, programs meetings, and activities from the student organization involving potential liability.
  • Assist the student organization with the development of meeting agendas, feedback, and goal setting.
  • Nurture and development the students’ leadership skills.
  • Model professional attitude and behaviors.
  • Provide continuity for the student organization.
  • Provide suggestions that lead to positive outcomes.
  • Be an advocate for student concerns.
  • Familiar with the role/processes of Highline College.
  • Sign all paperwork seeking Club Advisor authorization of expenditures. NOTE: Before making expenditures, always gain prior approval from the CLS or expenses incurred will not be reimbursed by CLS.
  • Enforce and report violations of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code to the Office of Community Standards and Conduct and the Clubs Program Leadership Advisor.

Contact Information

The Center for Leadership & Service and the Clubs Program is a resource for advisers as well as students. If you have questions, please contact the Clubs Program Leadership Advisor, Cassie Geraghty, at cgeraghty@highline.edu or call (206) 592-3892.