Highline College

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Create a Club

Create a Club 2024-07-30T14:29:50+00:00

Create a Club

Students clubs and organizations are a fun, social, and educational experience outside of the classroom at Highline College. It can provide personal growth, leadership development, new friends, and a community of support just to name a few.

If any of that sounds interesting you should think about starting or joining a club at Highline. View the club directory for the most current list of clubs at Highline.

Steps to Creating a Club:

  1. Have an idea! And find 4 other Highline students who are interested in your idea
  2. Find a staff or faculty member who can commit to advising your club
  3. Complete a Club & Student Org Recognition Form
  4. Complete Clubs Leader Training with Clubs Consultants and provide for them proof of completion of Voices for Change Training
  5. Be recognized at the next ASHC meeting
  6. Fill out and submit a Clubs Activities Form to reserve your club meeting space.