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Student Legacy Awards 2022

Student Legacy Awards 2022 2023-05-25T10:40:26+00:00

Student Legacy Awards

Student Legacy Awards 2022 text on black background with border of tropical green ferns and red anthurium flowers

The Highline College Student Legacy Awards is an annual campus celebration to applaud student contributions for both academic achievement and campus involvement.

The 2022 Student Legacy Awards was presented in a hybrid format. Presenters recorded a video of themselves presenting the award to their awardee, and a live event was held featuring staff and student speeches and a reading of all the awardee names. Below we have the award winners with links to their video recognition. You can view all the videos in a playlist below and on YouTube. The winners are also listed in the program.

Legacy Scholar Awards

Legacy Leader Awards

Special Honors:

View the entire Student Legacy Awards ceremony on YouTube and below:

Special Acknowledgements

We’d like to thank all our presenters for recording the video presentations. Thank you as well to Latieya Thomas, who served as Chancellor of Ceremonies; to Gerie Ventura, staff speaker; to Samantha Atienza, student speaker; and to Dr. Jamilyn Penn, Interim Vice President of Student Services, for providing opening remarks.

Additional thanks to our MOD graphic designer Megan Smith for your beautiful designs and the entire CLS and CCIE professional and student staff teams. A huge thank you for logistical support from the Purchasing departmentPrint Shop, and Conference Services.

The Student Legacy Awards is funded by the student Services and Activities Fee as allocated by the Associated Students of Highline College.

If you have any questions or comments about the 2022 Highline Student Legacy Awards, please contact Amy Bergstrom, Interim Director of Center for Leadership & Service, at abergstrom@highline.edu or ext. 3537.