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Marketing Toolkit

Marketing Toolkit 2021-03-23T11:22:54+00:00

Marketing Toolkit

The Marketing Outreach Design team is here to support you with your graphic design and social media promotions. But those are both just tools in your larger marketing plan. This marketing toolkit can help you understand how to better promote your club or program so that students can stay connected with you.

What’s Inside:

  • What is Marketing? What do we actually mean when we talk about “marketing”?
  • The Marketing Mix: This involves the kinds of choices you’ll want to consider when thinking about marketing.
  • Understanding Your Audience: It’s so important to know who the audience is that you’re trying to connect with, what they’re interested in, and how to best reach them.
  • Media Options: Now we’re diving a bit more into the how-to for your marketing plan, including what types of media you should consider to best reach your audience.
  • Basics of Graphic Design: You don’t have to be a graphic designer to put together a visually-appealing design. Here we share a few tips to consider if you’re designing on your own.
  • Social Media: We share some tips to help with whichever social media platforms you choose to use.